Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Personal Media

I'm sorry again for my late reply. I know this is the last day before this is due, but I still feel bad for not completing it sooner. I've just been busy with homework and other activities, I havn't had much time to work on this. I'm not really busy for a while now, so I should be more active :]. I'd also like to appologize for the fact that this post isn't really put together very well. My nerves are shot, and I've been extremely tired this week. I plan on resting tomorrow, though, so I should be back to normal in no time! So, if there are points where I'm repeating myself or go off subject a bit or am just not making sense period, sorry!

1. BOOKS - Do you read books? What kinds of books do you like to read? What’s a book you are currently reading that you are enjoying?

I do read books, but not nearly as much as I'd like to. In fact, I'm just now getting back into reading them :]. I really enjoy fantasy books, but I do enjoy realistic stories a lot, too. I've read all the Harry Potter books and all of the Twilight books. I really like both of them, but I personally did enjoy Harry Potter more.
Anyway, I used to read Dear America books all the time, and I really enjoyed those. I learned a lot about history through those books, and I never really realized it until I was done with them. A Coal Miner's Bride still remains to be my favorite book from that series.
The latest book I've read is Copper Sun. That was such a good book! When I was in elementary school I read about slavery a lot, but Copper Sun gave me so much more information and a new understanding of it. I highly reccomend that book!
I'm starting to read Pillars of the Earth now. It's supposed to be a really good book (according to my peers, teacher, and dentist, haha), and I'm really excited to have enough time to sit and read it! It looks like a bible though with how thick it is and the gold lining on the pages. Ironically enough, it's about building a Cathedral, haha.
And then, of course, there are comic books. I adore comic books! I'm mainly into reading mangas (Japanese comic books), but I'm starting to get interested in DC and Marvel comics. I love how art is used to tell the story with only the help of dialogue. While I do love descriptive stories, it's still nice to get an actual visual as well. Comic books do the same thing as books do for me; I see what's going on inside my head in a constant movement. The only difference is that the images from the comics give me a bit more of a solid image. I just love the feeling I get from reading them!
All of these books are ones that I really enjoy. I love a variety of stories, so I'm a little all over the place with genres I prefer. A lot of the time, it just depends on my mood. Here are some pictures of the books, as well as a few of my other favorite books.

2. NEWSPAPERS/MAGAZINES – Do you read newspapers or magazines? What kinds of newspapers and
magazines do you enjoy and why?

I don't generally read newspapers, but when I do, it's always when I'm at my Grandma's house. She reads the Tri-Cities Harold, which is a really good newspaper. When I visit her, I don't normally read the whole thing. I mainly just skip straight to the comics page (go figure ;]) and to Sudoku. However, when something interesting or serious sticks out to me, I make sure to read it so I know what's going on. This is the only newspaper I've ever really read, though, so I don't really have much to compare it to.
As for magazines, I mainly just read Girls Life. I've been subscribed to it since I was 11. In fact, it was my first subscription ever :D! It's a good magazine, I like to go through them. My favorite parts to read are the advice colums and the embarrassing moments at the very end. I also like to read Shojo Beat, a magazine with chapters from different mangas inside. It's very fun to read, and it's great to see all the different.

3. MUSIC – Do you listen to or play music? What kinds of music do you like to listen to? How do you listen to music – via cassettes, MP3 files, radio, or live performances? Who is a musician you currently are listening to?

Ahaha, I only wish I could play music. I really, really want to learn how to play guitar. Anyway, I love to listen to music, and I'm pretty much all over the place with the stuff I like. I mainly listen to rock music, which that in itself branches out into many different categories. I also listen to a little country, some pop, and a tiny bit of rap. I kinda have to be in the right mood for those (though, I've been enjoying pop a lot more lately). I adore Disney music from the 90's! They made such cute, catchy songs in their movies, and most of them were even inspiring. I don't really like the music they've been coming up with now-days, but it's starting to get a little better (like Enchanted; that movie had some cute songs :D!). I also like to listen to Classical music. My Best Friend plays piano, and she always plays Beethoven's Fur Elise for me :] <3.

I listen to my music mostly through my iPod and computer, but every now and then I'll turn on the radio or throw in a CD. If I still had my cassette player and some cassettes, I'd definatly listen to it that way, too!
Lately I've been listening to a pretty equal amount of Flyleaf, Paramore, and The Offspring. I love all those bands!

4. TELEVISION – Do you watch television? (I have not watched TV for 20 years, but I used to watch hours of TV a day as a kid). What kinds of TV do you like to watch and why?

I used to watch a TON of TV! As of late, I've hardly watched it except for at night. That's probably due to the fact that my brother is on the Xbox 24-7 now, though, haha. I go back and forth from watching the movie channels to the normal, 30 minutes or more comedy or action shows. I love Futurama, Family Guy, South Park, King of the Hill, Inuyasha, Batman: The Animated Series (from the 90's, plays on Boomerang ;]), Clean House, House, The Simpsons, Law and Order, Law and Order: SVU, Cold Case, and Case Closed. There are lots more... (haha, I just realized most of those are animated... While I know that sounds kiddish, I watch them because I LOVE the plots. A lot of them are actually really clever once you get to thinking about it.)

5. VIDEO GAMES – Do you play video games? Which games do you play and why? What is your favorite video game experience right now?

I don't play video games nearly as much as I'd like to. They're just too expensive for me D;. I'm really getting back into them, though, and since I don't own a wii and my brother won't let me touch his X Box 360, I just play them on the Playstation 2 and the Computer.
My favorite game so far is Syberia. It requires you to think, and it's pretty fun once you get into it. I really liked it, and I really want to get Syberia 2. Unfortunately, they're both kinda old and unpopular, so I can't find the sequal D:.

I'm getting really excited for the releases of Sims 3 and Batman: Arkham Asylum. Both of them look so good! Even better, in Arkham Asylum, Mark Hamill, Arleen Sorkin, and Kevin Conroy are all reprising their roles from Batman: The Animated Series :D! I'm SO excited to play that game! Here's a preview for it:

6. COMPUTERS – Do you use computers much? What kinds of things do you do on your computer?

I use computers every single day! I mainly use it for the internet and my own entertainment, but I also use them for homework, drawing, and, at school, for the year book. I also like to write stories on Microsoft Word. I mess around on GIMP and Open Canvas a lot too, editing pictures to get them the way I want them to look.

7. INTERNET – Do you spend much time on the Internet? What kinds of activities do you most enjoy pursuing on the Internet?

Most of my computer time is spent on the internet. I mainly just check my messages on different sites, such as,, and And, of course, there's the blogs for DOTCOM that I like to come and read when I have extra time :].
When I'm not checking messages, looking at pictures on deviantART, or watching youtube videos, then I'm on Yahoo! and MSN instant messenger. I always keep both online, but I mainly focus on them when I have time to.

Now, rank your MEDIA PREFERENCES from 1 – 7, with 1 being your FAVORITE kind of media, and 7 being your last favorite.

1. Internet
2. Computer
3. Television
4. Music
5. Video Games
6. Books
7. Newspapers/Magazines

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